Bush Washers

Bush Washers Accurately machined with reamed bores and splinted outside edges for a precision fit. Extra care must be taken when mounting saw blades onto a saw machine spindle when using bushing Washers.We supply bushes in natural nylon 6.6. These are ideal fastening components for pivoting and rotation components. It is resistant to several factors such as dirt, moisture and most chemicals. It is also self lubrications and shows low coefficient of friction for which it stays exclusive washer for several applications which requires chemical resistant and moisture resistant properties.

Softer than urethane bushes, these Rubber Bushes are well-known for impact resistance, flexibility, fine finish, dimensional accuracy, durability and high load bearing ability.

Bush Washers

Applications and Benefits of Bush Washers:

  • Supplied in natural nylon 6.6.
  • Ideal for pivots and rotating components.
  • Resistant to many factors like chemicals, dirt, dust and moisture.
  • Self lubricating material.
  • Shows low coefficient of friction.
  • Available in variety of dimensions.

Our Products Range

Brass Washers Bush Washers Carbon Steel Washers
Conical Washers Copper Washers Cup Washers
Disc Spring Washers Flat Washers Fibre Washer
Hardened Washers Hex Washers Industrial Washers
Lock Washers Mild Steel Washers Plain Brass Washers
Stainless Steel Washers Spring Washers Shank Washers
Plain Washers Square Plate Washers Stopper Plate
Sealing Washers Square Washers Speaker Washers
Wave Washers Spanner Punched Washers